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Didn’t find anything that suits your interests, but you’d like to explore research in gravity or theoretical astrophysics?
Are you going to be a specialist in astrophysical data? Feel free to contact me, and we can work together to develop a topic tailored to your interests.

Bachelor Thesis Topics:

  1. Estimating the Effects of the 2010 Chile Earthquake on Industrial Facilities
    The idea would involve analyzing deductions from power consumption statistics and understanding how's earthquakes forecasting system could have helped in the past and can help in the future with the reduction of the impact and damage by allowing proper mitigative steps to be taken before the earthquake arrives. The calculations will be done based on FEMA's disaster damage reduction manual.
    Target student: Preferably from econophysics. This project can be done as part of a traineeship at
  2. Light Elements Burning in Low-Mass Stars
    This thesis explores the impact of modified gravity on the burning processes of light elements in low-mass stars. By analyzing changes in stellar structure and evolution under alternative gravitational theories, the study aims to understand how these modifications influence energy generation and observational properties of low-mass stars.
  3. Exoplanets as a Tool for Probing New Physics
    Planets within our Solar System, as well as exoplanets beyond it, have emerged as fascinating objects for testing gravitational models and exploring the nature of dark matter. Their diverse properties provide unique environments to study deviations from general relativity. With the continuously growing database of observed planetary systems, new opportunities arise to investigate fundamental questions in physics, leveraging these celestial bodies as natural laboratories for probing new physics.
  4. Searching for the Dark Sector of the Universe in Stars
    This thesis investigates the influence of scalar fields, as potential candidates for the dark sector of the Universe, on the internal structure and selected properties of stellar objects. By analyzing modifications to the equations governing stellar equilibrium and evolution, the study explores how the presence of scalar fields impacts key characteristics such as density, pressure profiles, and observational properties of stars. These findings aim to provide insights into the role of the dark sector in shaping astrophysical phenomena and the broader implications for stellar physics.

Master Thesis:

PhD Topics:

Completed Thesis Topics: